The Gordo Blogga

Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A domain name - finally

It took me quite some time to get around to drawing a little circle on the www sand and exclaiming: "Mine!" Needless to say registering a domain name in 2004 can be quite frustrating. I'd liken the experience to trying to pick a username on Yahoo or Hotmail. It usually starts with elation as the user excitedly types in that special name or two that is dear to them. It most often ends three hours later in utter exasperation as one realizes that all possible sensible combinations of words (and sometimes numbers) have been taken. At this point you start manically typing in idiotic phrases (e.g. crazymonkeybutt) only to realize that those are taken as well.

I've had this experience a number of times, but somehow in the end almost always ended up getting something reasonable or cool. The only time when I had to resort to crazy number schemes was when I was picking an alternative name to protect my Yahoo email address. Although seeing as most of those addresses are temporary no harm done.

In any case, somehow was open and I ended up taking it. Certainly not the best name, but it's fitting. I didn't like the word "golden" in it, but it is a phrase so it would've been very hard to change it, keep the meaning and have an available domain name at the same time. So I settled. We'll see... if I decide I don't like it I can always change it later.

The funny part was that I was flip-flopping back and forth on whether I should take it and so I ended up Googling the phrase. Interestingly enough it is not used that much. One of the links I ran into was a page on breeding dogs and it mentioned that the phrase often refers to "jacks of all trades and masters of none". The person was talking about dogs, but I was sold.

A bit later I ran into a page on Sweden in which the following paragraph occured:

"The "Golden Middle Road" - this Swedish phrase says something about a nation that has always honored compromise, understanding, concord and the less bad of two imperfect alternatives."

This only cemented the decision. I decided to take the domain name as it would be quite fitting to my own view of life.

1. Herding Dogs And The Golden Middle
2. Sweden and Swedes - Society


  • At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    your domain name made me think of this:
    which made me think of Pi, which made me think of that awsome scene when he puts the cream in his coffee, which made me think...

    It's a good name ;-)

  • At 3:51 AM, Blogger z said…

    thanks. :) hehehe... that was a fun associations ride.


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