The third sex - the rundown
"There are drag queens, trannies/she-males, and transvestites," Josh says. "Transvestites are generally straight, and use women's clothing as a fetish. Trannies are generally as demur as she-males are exotic, but under both their wigs they've got some of the same 'trapped in the wrong body' feelings. Drag queens are like rental birthday clowns at gay parties. We're not women trapped in male bodies. We're celebrities trapped in normal people's bodies."
At 5:28 PM,
Bistro said…
good to see you're keeping up with your Savage Love, Z.
At 9:00 AM,
Rama said…
interesting... my colleague just came out as a tranny. I've been learning a lot about the lifestyle from him.
At 1:30 AM,
z said…
*lol* i'm not a regular, but i do enjoy his column every so often.
i know very little... next to nothing. that was one of the reasons i liked that breakdown.
At 11:52 AM,
nell said…
hey z can you take my name out of my LJ link? just taking precautions...
At 12:48 AM,
z said…
no problem. done! :)
At 11:10 AM,
nell said…
thanks man :)
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