Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"
posted by z @ 4:02 AM
At 10:27 AM, nell said…
hah, but is the reverse true? then, I agree to the luck part
At 7:54 PM, z said…
of course it is! :))
At 11:10 PM, liz said…
Geriatric porn does exist. This is proof that there is someone for everyone, and that there is a market for everything.
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At 10:27 AM,
nell said…
hah, but is the reverse true? then, I agree to the luck part
At 7:54 PM,
z said…
of course it is! :))
At 11:10 PM,
liz said…
Geriatric porn does exist. This is proof that there is someone for everyone, and that there is a market for everything.
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