Cheney's comments in IA on gay marriage
This is the second time Cheney's comments have impressed me. The first time this happened he was interviewed by Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. He stated quite bluntly that he personally could care less about the whole gay marriage issue, but that his electorate cared and that is why he was supporting it. Such candor is quite rare from a politician. Plus, it gave a great glimpse into how politics work in a democratic society - the politicians are representatives of the people who vote for them. Think about that next time you think your vote doesn't count.
This time Cheney was speaking in Iowa and stated quite bluntly that he believes the issue of gay marriage should be left to the states. His comments certainly sounded a lot more libertarian (or old-school republican) than you'd expect from an official in the current administration. To quote:
"With the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone ... People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."
Well said! For this reason I do not think the states should have a right to legislate this either. The issue strikes at the heart of democracy - the right of the majority to govern the lives of minorities. Ultimately where these rights do not directly infringe on the majority I strongly believe that the government should have no right no legislate.
Two gay men who want to enter into a marriage should be allowed that right. Same goes for three people who wish to start a polygamous marriage. The church does not have to recognize these marriages, but the state must! It is an issue of equal rights for all.
Update: Stuart Carlson had an interesting political comic in effect making fun of Cheney for his latest comments. You can check it out here:
1. Cheney's Core Principles - Washington Post¬Found=true
2. Cheney's Gay Marriage Comments Draw Fire - AP
3. Cheney Breaks With the Boss - Washington Post
This time Cheney was speaking in Iowa and stated quite bluntly that he believes the issue of gay marriage should be left to the states. His comments certainly sounded a lot more libertarian (or old-school republican) than you'd expect from an official in the current administration. To quote:
"With the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone ... People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."
Well said! For this reason I do not think the states should have a right to legislate this either. The issue strikes at the heart of democracy - the right of the majority to govern the lives of minorities. Ultimately where these rights do not directly infringe on the majority I strongly believe that the government should have no right no legislate.
Two gay men who want to enter into a marriage should be allowed that right. Same goes for three people who wish to start a polygamous marriage. The church does not have to recognize these marriages, but the state must! It is an issue of equal rights for all.
Update: Stuart Carlson had an interesting political comic in effect making fun of Cheney for his latest comments. You can check it out here:
1. Cheney's Core Principles - Washington Post¬Found=true
2. Cheney's Gay Marriage Comments Draw Fire - AP
3. Cheney Breaks With the Boss - Washington Post
At 11:53 PM,
liz said…
i'd like to have been a fly on the wall when cheney and his daughter had THAT discussion.
At 3:47 AM,
z said…
it's a tricky situation... his constituency certainly does not approve. it goes to show that it's hard to judge another person once you walked in their shoes. i wonder if he would have the same attitude if his daughter wasn't gay.
At 1:55 PM,
Sarah said…
I was utterly shocked when I heard this!! I think his views would have changed. To be honest, I never liked the guy, but to have the balls to say that when your President is saying something completely different! way to go!!!!
At 11:30 PM,
z said…
Exactly! I always felt suspicious of Cheney, but I must admit that on both occasions I've been supremely impressed with his candor. I'll take an honest (in reasonable amounts) leader/politician over others any day of the week.
At 12:04 PM,
nell said…
It may very well be that his views towards homosexuality are different because of his daughter, but I'm not really comfortable with that nonetheless. Ideally, someone acepts homosexuality because they believe that all humans are equally deserving of rights and respect, not because someone they love is gay.
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