Vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer
Pretty cool stuff. They developed a vaccine against HPV that will eliminate most cases of cervical cancer and genital warts in women.
That's great! What about them boys? Granted, we don't have a cervix. But we're not naturally immune, you know! So, how 'bout it?
And while you're at it how about you rout out some of the other nasties that inhibit the nasty. Or just some of the other nasties, if we're into quantity over quality. I think the Catholic church should donate its endowment towards medical research for this very purpose. "Yea, come to me my flock and be healed!" Now, there's something that'll make you believe. But then they appear stalwart on waiting for the savior.
And hence we come to two men who should be granted sainthood for doing just that - Mr. William Henry Gates III and Warren E. Buffet. Gentlemen, I salute you!
That's great! What about them boys? Granted, we don't have a cervix. But we're not naturally immune, you know! So, how 'bout it?
And while you're at it how about you rout out some of the other nasties that inhibit the nasty. Or just some of the other nasties, if we're into quantity over quality. I think the Catholic church should donate its endowment towards medical research for this very purpose. "Yea, come to me my flock and be healed!" Now, there's something that'll make you believe. But then they appear stalwart on waiting for the savior.
And hence we come to two men who should be granted sainthood for doing just that - Mr. William Henry Gates III and Warren E. Buffet. Gentlemen, I salute you!
At 9:44 AM,
monti said…
I'm so glad the recommendation came through. There was so much political static around this that I was starting to seriously question the safety women's health in this country.
They're continuing research to find out if the vaccine will work on males, which is a good thing, considering they're the main vectors.
At 6:16 PM,
z said…
cool. i actually did not hear much about it previously. i can see how there would be static - i just don't understand how health can come second to some stupid morality. it's not even a valid morality clause - it's not like the vaccine cures all STDs. And even if it did - are we seriously gonna argue about whether we should use it lest people start fucking like rabbits. hey, as the man said "go forth and multiply". and then something he forgot to mention cause he smoked some herb (seriously, he appeared to me the other day and admitted to it) - if you don't feel like multiplying at this particular time slap on some contraceptive and you're set!
yeah, exactly... you gotta nip these things from both sides.
At 7:25 PM,
monti said…
In case you're in the mood for boiling blood...,8599,1206813,00.html?cnn=yes
At 10:45 AM,
Sarah said…
With HPV, men are usually the carriers as far as I know and it really only effects women. The sad thing is that even with a condom, a woman can get this. Just rubbing skin. Which most people don't know.
And unfortunately, this pill is supposed to only be taken by virgins, under the age of 18. My family has a history of cervical cancer so I know these things and have watched out for this stuff. I've actually seen commercials which makes me very happy since most women do not know about this.
At 10:23 PM,
z said…
thanks monti, but i'm not right now. however, as your comment is now forever immortalized on The Gordo Blogga the next time i feel like getting pissed off it shall be here waiting for me.
At 10:29 PM,
z said…
that's BULL that it only affects women. men can get genital herpes just as well. and that's for life and it ain't no fun!
oh, i'm sure some would argue that death from cancer is worse, but i'll take them on. permanent std's kill the innocence and sweetness of love and that is a much worse faith!
although considering women potentially get the double whammy here i'll yield that the vaccine was developed in the right order. as long as they don't forget that there is another sex out here waiting to remove one more nasty std from the already too long a list of 'em!
At 10:41 AM,
Sarah said…
I was only talking about a certain type of HPV that I believe this drug effects. There are over 200 types of HPV. I think the one they are talking about changes cells within a woman that lead to cervical cancer. In fact most women don't even know they have it until they have their yearly pap. There are no outward sores most of the time with these strands. I believe this is what the drug helps out with. If you read the Washington Post article, they are hoping to give some to boys to stop the spread....Not to stop cancer or the warts. That's why I don't think this drug will have any effect on men because it's targeted to a specific type of HPV.
At 1:14 PM,
z said…
fair enough. although the article i originally linked to mentions that the vaccine should stop most of the common types of HPV, including the ones that cause both cervical cancer and genital warts.
At 1:47 PM,
Sarah said…
well then they should definitely be for both men and women. But at least stopping one sex from getting them, should eliminate a lot. Thank goodness!!!
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