For all the Paris Hilton fans*
Paris Hilton moves on to singing with a pop-raggae number. If she makes you gag I'd recommend minimizing the video (it's what you'd expect) - the song is actually not half-bad. And it is definitely way better than the electronica-backed Brittany Murphy video available on the same page.
What is up with everyone and their brother wanting to sing? If at least they were original or new I'd understand it, but when they sing just for the sake of doing it (kinda like releasing a parfume) I am not quite sure I get it.
*I know there's plenty of you out there
What is up with everyone and their brother wanting to sing? If at least they were original or new I'd understand it, but when they sing just for the sake of doing it (kinda like releasing a parfume) I am not quite sure I get it.
*I know there's plenty of you out there
At 4:18 PM,
Rama said…
I forced myself through both... ugh. can I be sick now?
If I had to be subjected to either, I'd choose the Murphy track. She at least has a bit more "range".
And I heard the Paris video is #1 on MTV now. Have people lost all sense of taste?
At 5:21 PM,
nell said…
sam, you have to ask? lol...
At 2:56 PM,
z said…
can mtv and taste exist together in the same sentence/paragraph?
mtv is like a never ending teen soap opera. if you didn't have a life of your own or just wanted to marvel at someone else's, usually much inferior to your own in everything but looks, which are artificially inflated anyways there's a channel for you!
but yes, at the risk of sounding like a snob taste is a rare commodity amongst the masses.
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