Serbia and Montenegro in World Cup
I've been a bit too busy with personal matters to even realize that my country is actually fielding a team to this year's World Cup in Germany. Very exciting.
We're in a group with Argentina and Holland so it'll be tough. But as a fan from back home said (and if you ever lived in Serbia or watched our sports teams in action you'd know it's true): "Knowing our mentality here, it's good we're in a difficult group because if we were with weaker teams, we would be celebrating before the game even started."
We're in a group with Argentina and Holland so it'll be tough. But as a fan from back home said (and if you ever lived in Serbia or watched our sports teams in action you'd know it's true): "Knowing our mentality here, it's good we're in a difficult group because if we were with weaker teams, we would be celebrating before the game even started."
At 8:52 AM,
Rama said…
like the quote. :) how's canada?
At 10:35 AM,
z said…
*lol* we've lost so many matches in every sport imaginable due to this quirk. we get ahead in the beginning and then start celebrating and then get our asses kicked. rinse and repeat.
good! i love having my freedom and knowing that i can stay here as long as i want (i'm already thinking about investing in some nice furniture) and that i can work wherever i want. i love being in a big city. toronto is really nice - it's a big city that feels homey. later today i should sign a lease for a killer place downtown so i'm excited. hehehehe... i found the hockey hall of fame so whenever you're ready! ;-)
oh, and torontonians are hard-core partiers. went clubbing on sunday (it was a holiday the next day) and the club was unbeliavably packed from midnight till we left at 5am! seriously!! in san francisco as soon as the alcohol stopped flowing (around 2-2:30) you'd get some breating room. not here. it went from insane to absolutely packed around 2:30-3 and then stayed like that. and the party was supposed to go on till 8am!! SWEET!!!
At 10:56 AM,
nell said…
wow, that sounds awesome! glad you're enjoying it :)
At 4:00 PM,
Rama said…
Good ol' serbs... I should ask my fellow serbian colleagues about that. hehe
good to know you found the hall... because that was my next question. :)
At 7:58 PM,
z said…
thanks nellie.
yes, the hall has been found. i'll most likely wait to explore it until you visit.
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