"Off the deep end" science!
Humans should behave more like chimps in order to improve communication in the workplace!?! This is absolutely ridiculous! I can't believe this a serious proposal. Humans have many subtle ways of communicating their emotions and shouldn't need to thump their chests. Goodness gracious... talk about regress instead of progress!
Humans should 'talk' like chimps
P.S. I may have to start a section with the title above if this insanity continues!
Humans should 'talk' like chimps
P.S. I may have to start a section with the title above if this insanity continues!
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
The test is already skewed--it sounds like the volunteers are given a specific, standardized formula of "chimp" expressions, and if everyone in the workplace is working off the same sheet, of course communication will improve--no mixed messages!
At 11:21 PM,
nell said…
It does rather sound like bullshit, but for more than the counfounding factor(s) mentioned already. People do groom each other - not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily in the work place - in fact people shouldn't groom each other in the work place cos it could very well lead to legal problems. Ok, I'm gonna cut this short and get to the point. We may be animals, but we're humans first. We're capable of higher cognition than any other animals, and that allows us to communicate with words instead of hand gestures if we so choose to. Most of the time, we choose to. Usually, we're not civilized ENOUGH. Why the need to revert?!
At 10:23 AM,
Sarah said…
would grooming each other be considered sexual harassment??? hmmm, some coworkers could be a little offended by that. I mean I prefer to keep my bugs :) This is ridiculous.
At 9:15 AM,
nell said…
...it might be. I was looking at the harassment policy at work the other day cos I was bored during my break, and it pretty much amounted to "no touching between employees, consensual or not," which seems rather severe, but something I'm happy with nonetheless. I DO NOT like being touched, so say if someone came up to me and started "grooming" me they'd get jacked in the face or something. Need my space.
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