No excuse
OK, if you get paid $40,000 to do a mural for a library and you mispell "Einstein, Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo and seven other historical figures" names that's pretty bad. There really is no excuse.
At 9:39 AM,
liz said…
The mistakes wouldn't even register with a true artisan.Riiiight.
At 10:50 AM,
Bistro said…
This woman makes me angry. How can you offer no appologies and claim that the mistakes would never be noticed, when the artwork is immediately in front of a LIBRARY! Dumb bitch. I can't believe they actually paid her more money to come out and fix it. They should have with-held her payment until it was fixed.
At 4:09 PM,
nell said…
say for the sake of argument anyone could have spotted the mistakes beforehand...
nah, forget it, don't feel like arguing. just gonna go along for the ride.
how can you misspell shakespeare?! horrible creature.
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