The Gordo Blogga

Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Iran developments get juicier

Iran's nuclear ambitions make for a fascinating crisis. The latest development is that Iran has openly admitted to starting the uranium enrichment process.

Nuclear ambitions are like any other major international taboo subject - it's best kept in the dark. Iran doesn't have this option anymore as it is clear that they have a nuclear program in development. Still, one would expect them to pacify and stall the great powers while continuing their plans in secret. This would be the path of least resistance. Iran has chosen open confrontation.

Their strategy may backfire on them. Diplomatic finagling could've gone on for a while, perhaps even long enough for Iran to get closer to actually obtaining nuclear weapons at which point the game changes. And the big powers would've most likely played along. The US is bogged down in Iraq and is hardly ready for another go-it-alone adventure. The Europeans were quite satisfied with assurances provided by Iran last year that they would cease all activity.

Iran's admission is an invitation to open confrontation with the West. Is Iran trying to further divide US and Europe? Are they trying to provoke a larger conflict in the Middle East? Perhaps they are trying to divert their people's attention from internal conflicts that loom over Iran political system? Iranian press offers varying views on the situation with hard-liners and liberals (and everyone in between) taking expected positions. Nothing new here, but still an interesting read.

Whatever the reason for this admission it will be interesting to watch how western powers respond. I am especially curious to see what Israel will do, especially considering the mention of a possible US sale of 500 bunker-buster bombs to Israel. I am starting to understand now why the US keeps talking about Israel as an important ally. Out of own self-interest Israel will attack any nation that it perceives as a threat. This is an ideal situation for the US - we arm them, they do our dirty work.

Update: Needless to say, the current situation with Iran (as well as North Korea) poses a question on whether proliferation of nuclear weapons can be stopped. BBC News provides a decent summary of the issues surrounding this question.

Update2: Yup, Iran is definitely heating up. Here is an EXCELLENT op-ed piece by George F. Will from the Washington Post on the current situation with Iran.


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