Let the sleeping dogs lie
It's funny how people get very defensive about their habits/preferences that don't jive well with the norm. Here is an article that ends up being little more than a shoddy defense for one's habit.
No need to get all defensive. You like your habit, you enjoy it - more power to you. The rest of the world doesn't need to understand it, as long as your partner does.
Personally it's not for me. I think it is important to establish a healthy relationship with clear boundaries for cohabitating lifeforms. For example, bugs do not belong in the house. Pets do not belong in bed or at the kitchen table. Kids do not belong in their parents' bed. That doesn't mean you don't love them... it just means that you are a separate person who needs their own space at times.
No need to get all defensive. You like your habit, you enjoy it - more power to you. The rest of the world doesn't need to understand it, as long as your partner does.
Personally it's not for me. I think it is important to establish a healthy relationship with clear boundaries for cohabitating lifeforms. For example, bugs do not belong in the house. Pets do not belong in bed or at the kitchen table. Kids do not belong in their parents' bed. That doesn't mean you don't love them... it just means that you are a separate person who needs their own space at times.
At 4:16 PM,
nell said…
Shoddy? I didn't think it was shoddy at all. If she was defending having the dog in bed, at least she put some research behind it, it looks like.
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