What Happens to Flooded Houses?
Or in other words New Orleans is screwed. With 80% of the city under water it might make more sense to relocate and abandon this perilous site. Though fat chance that'll happen. We'll rebuild and wait for the next one. They should at least move some dirt in to elevate the city. I mean seriously...
At 3:45 PM,
Rama said…
It's a shame losing all that history... the sites, the atmosphere...
after reading all these reports on people carrying guns and threatening pilots to pick up their families (instead of evacuating hospitals), my sympathies are fading... the whole situation sucks, people, and we can only do one thing at a time...
At 6:36 PM,
z said…
people are quite nasty when it comes to survival. who cares about some sick person in a hospital if you/your family are going to die?
this is where we come back to the torture post from a little while back. it's easy to be moralistic until there is an imminent threat to someone we love (including ourselves).
At 8:36 AM,
Rama said…
so true...
At 7:15 PM,
z said…
i know... but it also wreaks of cynicism. i need to work on that.
At 7:24 PM,
nell said…
it's hard not to be cynical. it's also hard for people to pack up and leave, because that's your home, you know? saw something on either A&E or the discovery channel about the dutch and their efforts to salvage their sinking country. they have some pretty neat solutions, but it comes down to the fact that if you're below sea level, you ARE going to lose... sooner or later
At 12:24 AM,
z said…
Cynicism is the great temptation of intelligence. - Albert Camus
I like that saying, but I wonder how much of it is self-serving... ohhhh, look at me... I'm so intelligent that I have cynicism seeping out my ears. ;-)
*lol* true, true. I was reading about these multi-billion dollar plans that Italy is devising to try to prevent Venice from sinking.
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