The Gordo Blogga

Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gender perceptions in the modern world

Generally speaking when I find a fascinating book I add it to my Amazon Wish List. In this case I do not think the book is actually worth obtaining, but I did find the following observation (from the review) fascinating:

"Turkle shows how playing with gender in cyberspace can shape a person's real-life understanding of gender. Especially telling are the examples of the man who finds it easier to be assertive when playing a woman, because he believes male assertiveness is now frowned upon while female assertiveness is considered hip, and the woman who has the opposite response, believing that it is easier to be aggressive when she plays a male, because as a woman she would be considered "bitchy." Without taking sides, Turkle points out how both have expanded their emotional range."

While these observations are by no means universal I do think they reflect some of the unease and inferiority people can feel in their own gender.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Branson offers $25m climate prize"

My idol is the business world is Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin empire. A constant maverick he has started a great variety of businesses and always brought something new to whatever field he entered. Once again, he is leading the pack.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Women aroused by male sweat

Sometimes it cracks me up how big scientific revelations are just plain common sense. Yes, I realize that they somewhat proved it in this experiment, but if we would just stop denying our beastly origins and present nature our existence might become a tad easier.

Saudis and US dropping price of oil to pressure Iran?

I found this article extremely fascinating!! It shows just how much can go behind the curtains that ordinary people never even know about. The article talks about how US and Saudi Arabia are trying to push the price of oil down in order to starve Iran of cash and force reforms.

"Happy 'Single Awareness' Day"

Continuing along the line of posts for Valentine's day I found this article hilarious! So, in case you are with that special someone on Feb 14 I wish you a Happy Valentine's day. And in case you are not I wish you a Happy 'Single Awareness' Day. And as always, a Festivus for the rest of us!

Tips for men on buying lingerie

Not that I am gonna have a chance to indulge in this particular activity this Valentine's but you might!

Fresh Whole Rabbit! on Amazon

You truly can get anything on Amazon these days as this delicious Fresh Whole Rabbit confirms. Scroll down to read the comments - they are HILARIOUS!! :-)

Penny Arcade comic for your Valentine's

Well, as usual my blogging is seriously lagging. But I've been collecting links and I'm trying to get organized now so I'm prob gonna flood it with posts. So, starting with a sexy comic for your Valentine's! It's all about the first panel.

Btw, if you're not familiar with Penny Arcade - it's a pretty cool (if not always so funny) comic dedicated to gamers.