The Gordo Blogga

Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Fascinating protest

Kristian von Hornsleth, a Danish artist, donates livestock to Ugandan villagers in exchange for them taking up his last name. He aims to illustrate how most of aid to Africa usually comes with various conditionals. Comments from villagers:

"George Sabadu Hornsleth is grateful for the pig he got. “I never had a pig, I was jobless apart from some land,” the 46 year-old said. “Africans adopting European names for gifts—that’s nothing new. We’ve been doing that since colonial times. Why do you think I’m called George?”"

"“We don’t care about his idea, the art. We care about the benefits,” said David Sendulya Hornsleth, 29. “We can have a hundred new names if each brings us further out of poverty.”"

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Relationships and kids without marriage?

Great article exploring the raising popularity of long term relationships over marriage in France.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


As only Seinfeld could have said it: "I am speechless. I am without speech."

Have you ever wondered what a modern rap video would look like if it was filmed in Europe with a yodel eurobeat in the background? No? Naturally. Well, here is your chance to find out. I literally watched this entire thing with my mouth wide open, in such shock was I.

The group is Slovenian and in case this one video is not enough here are some more links.

Band website:
German site:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

DEMS win!!

Well, the people have finally come to their senses. The Dems took both the House and the Senate on Tuesday!! :-) Let's hope they'll actually do something productive with that power!

Also, the ballot measures spoke about how people feel about certain issues. I was pleasantly surprised to find that every state that voted on lifting the minimum wage approved that measure. Also, parental notification was turned down! I was surprised to see that two states (Nevada and Colorado) voted on making marijuana legal and while the measures were soundly defeated in both states it's a victory to see them on the ballot in the first place and to see that 44 and 40% of the voting public said yes! Astounding!!

Same-sex marriage took a sound beating in every state in which it was voted on. The saddest was in Colorado where "Domestic Partnership" was defeated even though it clearly stayed clear of marriage itself.

"Would legalize domestic partnerships, providing same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the legal protections and responsibilities granted to married couples under Colorado law. The measure specifies that domestic partnerships are not marriage and do not change the public policy of the state, which defines marriage as only the union of one man and one woman."

C'mon Colorado. Have some tolerance for those who are not just like you! Especially when they are just looking for some of the same legal protection for their partners that everyone else gets.