The Gordo Blogga

Formerly known as "Untying the Gordian Knot"

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Mexico is close to signing in a new law that would decriminilize posession of most drugs for personal use! Bravo!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

"U.S. Scientists Create Artificial Eyes"


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Russia trying to ban sex ed

As AIDS is starting to spread through Russia a number of western organizations have tried to help stem its rise through sex ed. Leave it to some idiot politicians and the church to try to put a stop to it.

"They even show children how to put on a condom!" she complained.

Oh, the outrage!! I will never really understand the people that run this world and the masses that put them in power. And this goes for pretty much every country in the world today.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Cool exhibitionist blog

I love how some of the images in this particular gallery are passed through a filter to make them appear painting-like while remaining in b&w. "Cat in the Net" - very cool.

Note1: While not obscene this is not work safe.
Note2: I found this through FleshBot, a semi-commercial blog on all things erotica. All sorts of interesting things come from there. Anyways, in case you hunger for more French exhbitionists they seem to be slowly building up a list. Here is link to this particular post which has links to others, and so on and so forth does the crawl go.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gerrymandering sucks!

A good explanation of the impact gerrymandering has on US politics.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The third sex - the rundown

"There are drag queens, trannies/she-males, and transvestites," Josh says. "Transvestites are generally straight, and use women's clothing as a fetish. Trannies are generally as demur as she-males are exotic, but under both their wigs they've got some of the same 'trapped in the wrong body' feelings. Drag queens are like rental birthday clowns at gay parties. We're not women trapped in male bodies. We're celebrities trapped in normal people's bodies."