Misunderstanding the left
Christopher Hitchins proclaims Bush to be a secularist due to his efforts to defeat the religious fundamentalists around the world. He also goes on to criticize the left for making excuses for the terrorists.
It seems like it's a mystery to the right (and perhaps the middle) on why the left keeps insisting on examining the reasons people attacks us. They prefer to view things in black and white. The terrorists are evil. Of course, they are terrorists (and therefore evil) because we disagree with their general objectives. If we supported their objectives they would be called freedom fighters. Snide comments aside I do not understand why there is not more desire to understand one's enemy. We can still kill them, but let's also try to understand what makes them tick. Granted, that might make them more human which would make it harder to kill them.
Yup, life's a doozy if you really think about it, but who wants to do that? Life is much simpler in black and white. They are evil because they oppose freedom (us) and therefore we will kill them. The mighty always reach for the sword first when there is disagreement. If you kill your opponent there is no more disagreement. Well, whadda ya know - it is simple after all.
It seems like it's a mystery to the right (and perhaps the middle) on why the left keeps insisting on examining the reasons people attacks us. They prefer to view things in black and white. The terrorists are evil. Of course, they are terrorists (and therefore evil) because we disagree with their general objectives. If we supported their objectives they would be called freedom fighters. Snide comments aside I do not understand why there is not more desire to understand one's enemy. We can still kill them, but let's also try to understand what makes them tick. Granted, that might make them more human which would make it harder to kill them.
Yup, life's a doozy if you really think about it, but who wants to do that? Life is much simpler in black and white. They are evil because they oppose freedom (us) and therefore we will kill them. The mighty always reach for the sword first when there is disagreement. If you kill your opponent there is no more disagreement. Well, whadda ya know - it is simple after all.
At 9:17 AM,
liz said…
he's not smart enough to be machiavellian. even a little bit.
At 12:03 PM,
z said…
bush? interestingly enough i remember hearing somewhere (credible) that he has a higher iq than kerry. but yes, he is way too ideologically driven to be machiavellian.
plus, i think mr. hitchins is off his gore to suggest that bush is secularist because he orders attacks on fundamentalists from other religions. what?!?
At 12:31 PM,
nell said…
oh yes he is. he's crafty-smart, he knows what he wants and how to best get it. he may be a pawn in some people's hands, but really, he's totally aware of what's going on and of his role in it.
but that doesn't make it any easier to listen to him speak *shudder*
At 12:39 PM,
nell said…
Also, I think in order to be secular it has to work both ways, against religious fundamentalism both in the US and the Middle East, wherever... if you are a secularist only against one group of people its not secularism, it's uh, what's that word I'm looking for... discriminatory? That's not harsh enough. Racist? Religious persecution? I'll have to think this over some more.
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