Nice car - wanna fuck? Sure, I like your shoes.
We supposedly live in a male dominated society. Men wage wars, commit most violent crimes, earn more money, etc. Yet these mighty warriors get reduced to bumbling fools as soon as there is some female skin around.
Women bitch about being objectified, yet they willingly participate. Makeup, exercise, diet, manicure, pedicure, hair stylists, expensive clothes are all part of an effort to objectify oneself in order to attract those bumbling fools who run the world. Men do the same thing - weightlifting, hair styling, expensive car and clothes, power grabbing, etc. Women play with their hair, men flex their muscles. Women worry about their breast or ass size, guys worry about their dick or muscle size.
Ultimately it all comes down to pleasuring the senses of the other sex enough that they'll reproduce with us - preferably more than once to ensure an offspring arrives. If an offspring does not arrive automatically (Dionysus bless contraception) perhaps enough pleasure will be there to allow partners to break down the facade they've built up and actually find something more than fading assets.
In the end, we're in this together. Instead of misunderstanding and mistrusting each other (because, oh my Gray, we're so different) perhaps we should admit that we all play this silly game and get over it. It'll be much easier that way.
So, nice car - wanna fuck? Sure, I like your shoes.
Women bitch about being objectified, yet they willingly participate. Makeup, exercise, diet, manicure, pedicure, hair stylists, expensive clothes are all part of an effort to objectify oneself in order to attract those bumbling fools who run the world. Men do the same thing - weightlifting, hair styling, expensive car and clothes, power grabbing, etc. Women play with their hair, men flex their muscles. Women worry about their breast or ass size, guys worry about their dick or muscle size.
Ultimately it all comes down to pleasuring the senses of the other sex enough that they'll reproduce with us - preferably more than once to ensure an offspring arrives. If an offspring does not arrive automatically (Dionysus bless contraception) perhaps enough pleasure will be there to allow partners to break down the facade they've built up and actually find something more than fading assets.
In the end, we're in this together. Instead of misunderstanding and mistrusting each other (because, oh my Gray, we're so different) perhaps we should admit that we all play this silly game and get over it. It'll be much easier that way.
So, nice car - wanna fuck? Sure, I like your shoes.
At 12:36 PM,
Sarah said…
Ok have to ask...what made you come up with this posting???
At 1:45 PM,
z said…
Observing the ridiculous mating game being played out certainly triggered it, but it's been brewin' for some time.
The "mars, venus" crap is all around. So is the endless bitchin' by both sexes about the other sex. Men like to pretend they're all that, yet get a girl in a revealing blouse and they're drooling in sync. Women are not any better - all confused about the old world order (chastity, family and all them things) vs the new one (sex, careerism, etc). Women bitch about machismo and yet it's very existence is all about them. The neverending penis size argument is all about how well a man can pleasure his woman in order to have her stick around. It's a buncha chest thumpin' and arm waving. Same for all the nastiness that happens between women sometimes (like, omg, she's such a slut). Sexes don't need one another to keep them down - they do it quite well on our own.
And Alah forbid two people engage in open minded, consensual sex and enjoy it. So, fuck God, screw religion, to hell with morals, society and laws AND I spit on the ridiculous games we all play to further complicate our lives. Ultimately we're all trapped on this crazy world together, so might as well cut out the crap and make things simpler by being straightforward and honest with one another.
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Before you diminish all of us into mindless, rutting creatures, haven't you ever gone to the gym just for yourself? I know that sometimes I put on make-up even when no one else is around. People's reasons for wanting to look good are just as complex as any other behavior.
I think that if people were just in it for the fucking, they would have stopped such silly games a long time ago. Fucking is easy. Clearly more is at stake, or we (humans) wouldn't be putting so much effort into it.
At 8:04 PM,
nell said…
I have to admit, there are times when I dress slobby not so much to be comfortable but to advertise that I don't give a fuck what I look like, and I have also done the opposite and put on makeup for no good reason when I'm home alone. On the whole, while I think society's strictures on male and female behavior and appearance can complicate life unbelievably, but that there are times when it also makes life more interesting.
Don't ask for an example, though, I haven't got one right now :)
At 2:28 AM,
z said…
We are not mere automata, living the life of our genes. However, they do have an impact on our dreams, desires and consequently behavior. I think the world would be a few degrees happier if people realized this and we could move on from the needless social stereotypes and infantile games.
It's a pet peeve and so I ranted. Saving the world from itself, one rant at a time! ;)
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