Pandering to your base
Robert Samuelson delightful insight makes it worth registering with Washington Post. In his latest he explores the politics of pandering to your base and thus creating the apparent values split.
At 7:13 PM,
Ozzy said…
forget registering dude.
you're using mozilla/firefox, aren't you? just get the extension BugMeNot and use that for all these news sites and whatnot. way better.
At 7:20 PM,
Ozzy said…
just finished with the article, and one line really stood out "The easiest way to make your people feel better is to cast their people as immoral, stupid, evil, corrupt or greedy."
it stood out to me b/c i happened to catch a few minutes of rush limbaugh's show today while i was in a customer's car, and this is EXACTLY what he was doing. he was talking about bush and some caroline woman (i missed a lot of the show, so i'm not up to date and what's going on) and how dems and dem supporters are attacking her character just to make tarnish her rep outside the US. he was essentially calling dems immature crybabies and all those things in the quote! but, that's Rush, and he claims to speak the truth, and people believe him b/c he's a big pompous druggy hypocritical ass who has a radio show b/c he spouts big bold opinions. bah!
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 7:52 PM,
z said…
Thanks for the cool website. Definitely an awesome idea. I registered with NYT/WashPost, but have no intention of registering with a dozen other sites I'd like to read every so often.
Yeah, playing to the negative is always much easier than playing to the positive. Just like destroying is always easier than building.
Note: The deleted post was mine, but I posted it by accident as anon.
At 12:13 AM,
Ozzy said…
yeah, BugMeNot's pretty awesome when friends send you all sorts of links to a variety of newspapers. i found it just messing around one day, and man, some of firefox's extensions are just way too awesome.
if there weren't some functionality issues, i'd dump IE forever and ever
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