Challenge North Korea!
Ralph A. Cossa argues in an article for the International Herald Tribune that it is time to stop playing games with North Korea. I couldn't agree more. We've been appeasing this ridiculous regime for way too long. They play us like a fiddle at this point. It is time to get serious and proceed with strength. Call their bluff and challenge their confrontationist policies. Who is North Korea to be able to threaten war with Japan and United States in case they stop sending them aid?! This is ridiculous and it must stop!
1. Ralph A. Cossa - International Herald Tribune - Tuesday, December 7, 2004
1. Ralph A. Cossa - International Herald Tribune - Tuesday, December 7, 2004
At 1:04 PM,
nell said…
Incredibly ridiculous, esp. considering how N. Korea has been lying, apparently, to Japan about some of the Japanese citizens that were abducted in the 70's.
At 10:16 AM,
Sarah said…
hell Japan's scared enough to start doing drills for missle attacks. That should tell you something. But no we won't do anything...we don't have the resources, Bush put them elsewhere.
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